ceasurichic.com Calcium is an important mineral used by the body for building and maintaining strong bones and teeth, muscle and nerve function, releasing enzymes and hormones for use in the body, and transporting blood throughout the body. When dietary calcium intake falls short, calcium is pulled from its storage site in bone to meet the demands of the body and keep calcium in blood, muscle and intercellular fluids within a constant concentration. This works for a time, yet continued withdrawals of calcium from the bone bank can lead to osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone density and loss of bone tissue, leading to weakness of the bone and increased susceptibility to fractures. Event in patients with minor injuries will result in broken or compressed bones. Furthermore, the patient’s spine is often very fragile and easy to collapse causing the spine bending.
The body absorption of calcium declines with advancing age. Thus, we will face the problem of bone loss after the age of 30 due to bone resorption exceeds bone formation as aging process occurs. In women, the rate of bone loss speeds up after menopause when estrogen levels drop, so the risk of women suffer from osteoporosis is three times higher than men. The stronger the bone development during childhood, the practical chronomathealthier those bones will be in adulthood. A good accumulation of calcium in the bones at early stages in life is the best prevention of age related bone loss and fractures.