SpringLife ®
Why we need silica?
Extraction method for water-soluble silica
True anti-aging & beauty properties
Uniqueness of SpringLife®
Products Certification
Healing Process
Herbal Plus
The facts that you must know
Uniqueness of Herbal Plus
Structure of Herbal Plus Sanitary Pad
Products Certification
Coco Health
Healthy Energy Quilt
Golden Clam® Cal Plus
Why do we need calcium?
Lack of Calcium Symptoms
Exclusive Formulation of Cal Plus
Golden Clam shells extract chelated Probiomin
Award & Certification
Who Should Take Cal Plus
Sal' Lexy ™
Peppermint Brisk Bio-Chakra Essential Oil
Meridian Massage Therapy
How to Use
Lovise V1
Cellnacy Skin Care
Golden Clam® Cal Plus > Who Should Take Cal Plus


Who Should Take Cal Plus

  • Working adults and sport person
  • Menopausal woman
  • Pregnant and breast-feeding women
  • Teenagers and children
  • Senior Citizen 
  • Smoking and coffee drinkers
  • Frequently take medicines
  • Physical and mental fatigue

Tips for calcium replenishment

Compliance with 5 good habit of the life 

  • Less meat, less salt and more onion to prevent bone loss 
  • Exercise 30 minutes per day to strengthen the bone density Luxe Replica Horloges
  • Avoid smoking and carbonated drinks which will lead to osteoporotic bone
  • More exposed to the sun and take appropriate amount of Vitamin D
  • Stop the consumption of coffee and tea to avoid the bone loss  replica tag heuer
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